案例研究 2023年4月6日

案例研究: Major retail chain guided to use more renewable 能源

  • 250 GWh of 能源 from renewable sources per year
  • 17个PPA交易对手提议的项目
  • c.50% total volume through corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)


我们的客户, 英国和爱尔兰的主要零售连锁店, plans to reach net zero emissions by 2030 for its offices and restaurants, 作为其整体净零目标的一部分.

The retailer was already an early adopter of corporate Power Purchase Agreements (cPPAs) as part of its strategy. 和, with increasingly volatile wholesale electricity prices, and sustainability becoming even more important, further investment in cPPA contracts were being considered.

The company wanted to understand how to strike a balance between increasing its renewable investment, 并获得长期的价格确定性, while remaining competitive in an unpredictable market.

The company chose Mitie’s 能源 specialists to help it drive its 能源 agenda forward and mitigate the effects of market volatility.

Mitie are helping customers reach their net zero emissions by 2030 for offices and restaurants, 作为整体净零目标的一部分


Mitie’s Plan Zero team helped the customer understand the current position of the cPPA market. A cPPA would allow the customer to buy zero carbon power from renewable generators directly.

Our renewable 能源 advisors team ran a workshop with key personnel. This provided a deep dive into market trends and set out how additional cPPAs could fit into the customer’s 能源 purchasing strategy.

工作坊结束后, our team engaged with multiple generators to gain insight into prospective projects and provided a range of alternative options for the customer to consider. We prepared a high-impact report evaluating how these options might fit into the existing strategy from a volume, 净零和价格观点. This gave the customer the information they needed to progress to a full tender.

A clear pathway to carbon and financial goals

Our specialists evaluated over 100 unique offers, 横跨40个可再生能源发电项目, and created multiple scenarios looking at both volume coverage and price commitments. The depth and detail of the research and evaluation gave the customer a comprehensive view of potential future benefits and added weight to the business case taken to their franchisees.

We provided the customer with a clearer understanding of what is available in the market and the commercial terms they should be looking for. The scenarios generated have given their team a clear pathway to deliver both their carbon and financial goals.

Our specialists evaluated over 100 unique offers, 横跨40个可再生能源发电项目

为什么选择Mitie ??

Mitie has collaborated with the customer for over 15 years and has a strong partnership in relation to 能源 and sustainability. 我们获得了英国首个养老保险, in 2008, 所以要有丰富的合同知识, 潜在的合作伙伴, 商业条款和市场条件.


寻找长期或可再生的选择? Whether you need advice on cPPAs or REGO certification, Mitie’s Plan Zero team can advise you on purchasing and executing 能源 contracts. We’ll help you buy green gas, or renewable power, to make sure your 能源 is low carbon.

